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  • The Ultimate Church Website Red Flag

The Ultimate Church Website Red Flag

It’s the cardinal sin of church websites.

Hey, it’s Brady,

THIS is the cardinal sin of church websites.

Avoid it at all costs:

Stock photos of people that don’t attend your church.

The Church IS the people.

Meaning, it’s a betrayal of trust to put paid models on your site and try to pass them off as your congregation.

Want to use stock photos that don’t include people?

Sure. Go for it.

But could I offer an even better option? Consider the following reports:

Bottom line?

Trust in institutions (churches included) is at a 50-year low. Meaning, by default people are skeptical when they visit your church online.

The best way to start building trust?

Big photo containers on your site of your church’s vibrant community.

The Worst Church Website Design Trends

I made a list of 15 items that everyone thinks a church website needs.

The truth is, a bunch of them, don't matter at all!

So we'll be putting these items into categories:

  • Necessary

  • Nice To Have

  • or…

  • Nonsense

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. Talk to you next Thursday. - Brady Shearer