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Tips For Church Photographers That Just Make Sense

Here are 5 surefire techniques guaranteed to help...

Hey, it’s Brady,

Capturing photos on a Sunday morning at church isn’t easy.

Here are 5 surefire techniques guaranteed to help…

#1. Shoot on stage during worship practice

It’s important to be a non-invasive presence as a church photographer during service. So make sure to shoot during worship practice to capture photos you otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

#2. Get shorter & taller

Find creative frames by simply shooting “up” or “down” at your subject. Use a wide lens to really exaggerate this perspective.

#3. Use lens filters for creative effects

A few of my favorite lens filters include: mist, flare, and starburst. No filter? No problem. The swirling effect in these photos was accomplished with a ¼” copper pipe.

#4. Stay close to the greeters

My goal with church photos is to capture the organic nature of church life with an emphasis on people. The easiest way to find this? Hang out with the greeters during Sunday service. Their mornings are full of great interactions.

#5. Have an album of inspiration on your phone

When I’m on location, I always have an album of screenshots from other photos that inspire me. Specifically, I’ll save stills that have compositions that I want to emulate.

Need some inspiration to help with the tip above? Below, you’ll find links to three church photo galleries:

The Definitive Church Photography Shot List

Every week we coordinate and send out photographers to churches all around the world.

These photographers are given a shot list, rules for etiquette, plus, a rundown of gear to bring.

Today, we're sharing all of that with you.

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. Talk to you next Thursday. - Brady Shearer