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  • The Best Small Church Website I've Seen

The Best Small Church Website I've Seen

This isn’t a megachurch. It’s a church plant.

Hey, it’s Brady,

Recently I landed on one of the best church websites I’ve seen in a long time.

And guess what?

This isn’t a megachurch. It’s a church plant.

Their website is passioncreek.church. And here are 6 things I love about it…

#1. Strikethrough Text

This church’s passion is to make disciples. To emphasize this statement though, they juxtapose the word disciples against the word attenders by stylizing the word attenders with a strikethrough.

This caught my eye.

#2. Rotating Background Photos

Maybe you’ve seen video backgrounds atop church websites. Passion Creek does something similar, but instead it’s a new photo rotating every couple of seconds.

Importantly, the photos are treated with a subtle overlay so the text on top of the images is still clearly readable.

#3. Sticky Header

Once you’ve scrolled past the hero section at the top of the homepage, a sticky header will scroll with you. This makes next steps easily accessible.

#4. Chunky Buttons

See that primary call-to-action button at the top of the site? You won’t miss that with how big and chunky it is. It’s got two lines of text! Plus, an icon.

#5. Monochromatic Color Scheme

Passion Creek’s brand color is red. And aside from black, white, and gray, you won’t find any colors on the homepage aside from red. At the same time, the brand color isn’t the focus, it’s the exclamation point.

So what is the focus?

#6. Big Photo Containers

The most critical part of any church website! It’s big photo containers that show what church is actually like. And it’s the best part of Passion Creek’s site.

Want to see the site for yourself? Here’s the link: passioncreek.church

Why Your Church’s Instagram Stories Flop

If you're like most churches, you've noticed lately that your Instagram Story views have been declining.

Here's the good news: we know *why* this is happening.

That's right. It's not a mystery. Meaning, we can fix it.

And we're going to show you how. There are eight items to discuss:

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. Talk to you next Thursday. - Brady Shearer