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  • Best Sermon Series Ideas For Outreach

Best Sermon Series Ideas For Outreach

Three ideas that are Biblically-based and timely.

Hey, it’s Brady,

The world is changing around us. But the wisdom of Scripture is for all people, for all time.

Here are 3 sermon series ideas at the intersection of faith and culture…

(forgive the lack of pithy series titles, that’s still your job 😁)

#1. The Rise Of Singleness

A whopping quarter of American 40-year-olds have never been married—an all-time high, according to a recent Pew Research Center report.

Historically, church programming has emphasized families. As fewer people choose to get married, how might the church meet this changing tide?

A sermon series dedicated to Christian singleness and Christian marriage could lay the foundation for ministries in your church that serve the needs of both groups of people.

#2. The Gender War

The gap is widening between men and women.

Consider this:

Though women are more likely than men to support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in every age group, the gap is biggest among the youngest voters, Gen Z - nearly double that of Millennials and those 65+ (Source).

A sermon series on gender requires maturity and nuance. It won’t be the best fit for every church.

But men especially need a healthy model of living right now, and very few institutions have anything to offer here.

#3. The Loneliness Epidemic

A recent YouGov poll found that 30% of Millennials report feeling lonely, and 22% said they had zero friends.

The Church is one of the few institutions in society that can help remedy this.

A sermon series dedicated to community that springboards into actual opportunities for people to make connections can make all the difference for someone.

How are these sermon series ideas useful for outreach?

Each one is rooted in a cultural issue that the Bible speaks to. People are looking for answers and real connections. Your church can welcome those people and meet their needs.

An Honest Conversation about Recruiting Church Volunteers

Recruiting volunteers at church often goes...poorly.

Churches appear desperate. And volunteers feel guilted into serving.

To do this right, there are three stages we need to talk about: how to recruit, how to train, and how to celebrate.

Any church can do this. We promise.

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. Talk to you next Thursday. - Brady Shearer