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  • Avoid These 2 Words In Your Church’s Name

Avoid These 2 Words In Your Church’s Name

(if you want to be unique...)

Hey, it’s Brady,

A database of 1,244 church plants was mined by our friend Ryan Burge at Graphs About Religion to see what patterns might emerge.

Interestingly, there were two words in new church names used dramatically more than others.

Any guesses?

The two words were:

  1. Life

  2. City

Another interesting trend is the number of total words used in church names.

Roughly 30% of new church plants used just two words in their name.

Here’s what surprised me…

38% of new churches used 4 or 5 words in their name.

Commonly, the reason for this was branch campuses. For example:

  • The Courageous Church - North

  • The Courageous Church - South

Find more interesting church trends we’re tracking below.

Standout Church Trends of the 2020s

Time to check in on the state of religion and Christianity.

To do this, we've assembled an assortment of data-backed trends that are emerging this decade.

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  • And are women still more religious than men?

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. - Brady Shearer