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Don’t Give Mugs As Free Gifts To Church Visitors

WARNING: This is a piping hot take (pun intended).

Hey, it’s Brady,

WARNING: This is a piping hot take (pun intended).

I’m truly not a fan of churches giving out logo-adorned coffee mugs as gifts to new visitors.

Here’s why…

Now, you might say this is "overthinking."

To me, the delight is in the details. And the details can add up to make a big difference!

To be abundantly clear, I have no problem with churches giving gifts to new visitors. In fact, I'd encourage it. But what's the endgame?

For me, two key values guide this practice: 

  1. Introduce Guests to Our Church's Values & DNA: The gift should give a snapshot of what our church is all about. 

  1. Get This New Visitor In Touch With One of Our Pastors or Leaders: The point of the gift is to be a conduit for personal connection.

Bottom line? Mission should drive method. Not the other way around.

So why then do I hate mugs as gifts?

Simply put, mugs aren’t gifts. They’re marketing materials being presented as gifts.

And don’t get me wrong, I don't have a problem with churches engaging in marketing! But when your marketing efforts are transparently wrapped in the facade of a gift, well…

That leaves a not-so-great lasting impression and this “gift” gesture can come off a little self-absorbed.

Now, please don't get upset when I say this. It's not a personal attack on you or your church. We're just interrogating ideas here.

And why do our churches give out mugs in the first place? The honest answer? Probably because so many other churches do it.

So allow me to highlight what some churches are choosing as alternatives:

7 Unpopular Truths About Church Online

Let's talk about some unpopular truths about church online.

These are conversations really none of us want to have.

The value of these discussions though is that once we come to terms with reality, we can channel our church's efforts and resources in the best possible way.

Thanks as always for your time, attention, and trust. Talk to you next Thursday. - Brady Shearer